January 29, 2021

My undying love for coffee. The ritual: grind beans for french press, smell, pour water for the bloom, smell, pour remainder of water, smell. Cover, wait. It’s one thing I have done consistently for most of my life. It’s more than just the consumption of something wonderful, in taste and affect. It is an experience thats meaning has been gathered by repetition, and also by location. Though I’m here at my kitchen table happily sipping my cavé (that’s what my in-laws call it), for nearly 18 years coffee shops have been my place. The place to bring a book, or better my notebook, and dream. Now it is my kitchen table, and I’m still so grateful for the cavé.

side delight: “dandy blend” - made of chichory and dandelion roots, tastes like coffee but has zero caffeine

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